One of the most valuable benefits of transitional window tinting film is the positive environmental benefits it has. The photochromic process can be considered in two ways. Impact on its immediate environment, and the lack of impact on the wider environment.

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Immediate environment

The transitional window tinting film reacts with solar rays, enacting a rejection of the sun’s energy including infrared, visible and ultraviolet light. This process hugely diminishes the level of solar energy entering a space beyond the film. 

The transitional window film achieves the following solar energy rejection:

  • Infrared rejection of up to 85%
  • Visible light rejection of up to 75% 
  • Ultraviolet light rejection of 99.5%

The infrared and visible light rejection values differ depending on the grade of transitional window tint film used, the total solar energy rejection varies from 57 – 63%.

Once properly installed, all of this is achieved with zero emissions and zero maintenance. The photochromic transitional process works automatically, every time it is required.

The net result of this revolutionary new technology is heat reduction, increased comfort and a safer living or working environment. If the occupants of an interior space are comfortable, this massively reduces the demand of air conditioning.

Positive impact of transitional window tinting film on the environment

How does this impact the wider environment? 

To understand the scale of the impact of air conditioning consider these facts: 

Up to 30% of business energy spending is on air conditioning.

A standard 3kw air conditioning unit produces 1.1kg of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere. 

There are the added issues of maintenance due to mechanical failure, which produces further carbon emissions, mining, manufacture processing and vehicle emissions.

All of this can be avoided with the application of transitional window tinting film. The combined benefits include reduced ecological impact, increased convenience, comfort and zero maintenance requirements.

Click here to contact us to discuss the benefits of transitional window tinting film and book a demonstration or call 0330 133 1154

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