Now you can control winter glare caused by the low sun, in your home or the office. It might not be hot in the winter, but the sun can still cause discomfort. When it’s low in the sky for much of the day, the glare can be very uncomfortable, even when working indoors.

Control winter glare with Transitional Window Film

Rather than blocking out the important natural light altogether, why not install a window film that reacts to the bright light, creating a tint only when it’s needed to control the solar glare. Transitional Window Film reacts to the sun’s rays, producing a tint. When the sunlight goes away, so does the tint.

Blinds and curtains certainly help control the glare, but they also entirely block out the view. A lack of natural light in the winter can cause low moods. Fortunately, the lighter grade Transitional Window Film, TWF R70 is ideal.

TWF R70 is perfect for keeping interior spaces comfortable when the glare is too much, without blocking the view entirely. The film gets lighter in the evening when there’s no sunlight on it, so you can make the most of the shorter winter days by allowing light in during the evening. Other window films will give the impression of a twilight effect when you don’t want it.

We also have two darker grades if you prefer a stronger tinting effect.

Another advantage is it works entirely autonomously. There is no need for an electrical switch, there is no requirement for any kind of input from anyone. The film simply reacts when you need it to, and returns to clear when you don’t.

The film also blocks 99.5% of UV rays, so it helps keep you safe from the harmful health effects and reduces sun bleaching damage to your home. Even when it’s overcast, if there is a lot of UV and IR light penetrating the cloud, Transitional Window Film will protect you.

Click here or call 0330 133 1154 to request an installation quote

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